Can I Skip It? is a resource for those of us who wish to catch up on some of televisions most popular programming, without wasting our time with the dregs. All guides are (mostly) spoiler free, and follow the same grading template.
Must Watch - These episodes are some of the most enduring episodes in television history. Still talked about decades later, if you're interested in the very best a show has to offer, definitely take a look at these.
Great - These episodes are the standouts of each particular show. Most of the time, when viewers look back fondly on their favorite tv shows, these are the episodes that come to mind.
Alright - These are your basic, bread and butter episodes. Nothing too memorable, nothing unforgivable.
Skip it - Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. These are the abominations. Even the best television shows of all time have their share of misfires.
And finally, Lore. A lore notation doesn't relate to quality, but simply identifies episodes that have to do with the overarching plot of the show. If you skip the lore episodes, even the bad ones, you might not be able to follow the series-wide plot, so we mark these episodes accordingly.